sabato 10 agosto 2024

2024, here I am!

 Who needs The Curmudgeon, or whatever Rob's blog is called now?


Richard's Bass Bag 3 IS BACK!

Now you can go between the three bass bagging sites - JUST LIKE IN THE OLD DAYS!


mercoledì 21 dicembre 2022

Christmas shopping.

 Did you know that there are actually ten planets in our solar system?

I know, there aren't ten planets, I just that made up. To be honest, I don't care how many there are because my intention is to write about Christmas shopping. Anyway, there won't be anyone doing Christmas shopping on Mars or, for that matter, Your Anus Uranus. Let's move right along.

Our Christmas will be pretty small (5 people and 1 unborn) so really it'll just be like having a few people to lunch. Though, we do have four people coming around on boxing day too. Anyway, the first stop was at a money machine to get money out for kids. Then it was off to The Warehouse to pick up gifts for our little under $10 present game - you're supposed to buy one each.

I bought five because I thought I could make up a silly little game to keep people amused.*

I wrapped them all in the same paper, as you do, and decided to write Italian names on them so that I would know which is which.

Shelley guessed what 'diario' was when she saw it under our little tree which is made of plastic. I'm sure others will guess that one too and think that they must be fluent in Italian. Just like how TC keeps saying 'mea culpa' (thanks 3P), if they come across any Italians, they'll be able to say 'diario'. That should strike up a conversation - probably beginning with, "Cosa?"

I went to the supermarket and, among other things, bought quite a few bottles of Cleanskin wine.

I'll have to return to the supermarket a few more times. For example, I still haven't picked up ice cream. I guess it will be getting busier and busier. Ah well, I've got plenty of time.

I'll also squeeze in some serious bass practice.

Enjoy your day.

* Much like writing a blog post.

venerdì 16 dicembre 2022

Fly Away.

 So, how's it going?

Part of summer is having flies buzzing around - I'm talking about inside.

Something attracts them in. Food? A new, exciting environment? Adventure? Then they can't find a way out.

Could Heaven work like this?

One moment Bert was sweating and having great difficulty breathing. This was Bert's last moment on Earth*. Bert had been a decent bloke overall. He'd been one of three children and his parents did their best in most respects. They weren't church going people, which suited Bert fine, and they weren't rich people. Bert had left school at 15 and gained an apprenticeship as a plumber. He'd married Nancy, when he was 24, and they'd raised two girls. He liked a beer (or two) and was happy when he was watching rugby or working on his old car. Both of his daughters attended university - one studied philosophy and the other chose English. Bert often joked that he didn't go to university, but he could speak English very well. He did worry a lot about how his daughters would get jobs, but they both turned out okay.

The next moment Bert was standing in a big open space. There was nothing to notice, except for two large, open gates that seemed to have captured the sun. He had nowhere else to go so he walked towards them, then through them. Bert really had no expectation of what would be on the other side. It had been a very weird day so far, so he was about to accept just about anything.

Suddenly Bert was a fly! He started to fly around the space. Maybe coming through those gates was a mistake! There were parts you could see through but, when you approached them, they were like rock - rock that you could see through. Bert wanted to get out. 

Bert sat on the big clear thing. 






* aka Jasper

giovedì 15 dicembre 2022

I'm back.

 Arnold made those words his own.

Well, the big news is that the three bass bagging sites will all be back and working for you, so make sure you get around all three.

Shelley and Richard of Richard's Bass Bag 3* will be staying in Wellington this afternoon and this evening but, to quote Arnold again, we'll be back!

We'll be talking about many things on this blog:

  • Double basses.
  • Violin playing.
  • Wine advice.
  • General life advice.
  • Gigs, or the lack of them.
  • Italian language.
  • Other blogs, some of which are a bit silly.
  • And much, much more!
All you have to do is sit back, read and enjoy.

* the blog that's not too bad

domenica 24 novembre 2019

Little bass.

When my son was young I was practising a lot of bass guitar.
I remember at time I took him into a music shop when he was a little chap.

He looked around at all the guitars and said, "Look at all the bass guitars!"

He's a bass guitarist now and a lot older.

Actually, this post was going to be about my violin.

Time is moving on, so maybe I'll save the violin stuff for next time.

mercoledì 12 dicembre 2018

A post about Christmas.

People celebrate Christmas for a few different reasons.

For some it's the birthday of Jesus.

Lamb says, "I thought there was a line or two
 in the Catechism against that sort of thing."

For some it's all based around that guy that someone at Coca Cola invented in the 1930s.

While, for others, it's just a chance to get together with friends and family.

A lot of people in the world don't celebrate Christmas. It's mainly a 'Christian country' thing.
No doubt a lot of people are lonely over the festive season and it must be noted that Santa brings better presents to rich kids. I wonder why that is?

Anyway, I didn't mean to be drepressing.
I have a 99 year old Aunty who probably won't see too many more Christmases. She won't be coming to my place, which is what normally happens, because she's pretty much bed (or big armchair) ridden. What a wonderful thing it would be if her five nephews could find time to pop in and visit her on Christmas day. Now that would be something that we could perhaps call Christmas spirit!

mercoledì 5 dicembre 2018

Santa's special day approaches.

There won't be many people here and I'll probably cook fairly traditional food. I'll pop in and see Aunty in the morning.
After lunch I'll probably have a jam with my brother.

Preferably on toast. Ha ha, old joke.

I must check over on RBB to see what the original bass bagging site has planned.